Wednesday, October 31, 2007


DH is in Boston today for a two-day conference, which means I get more computer access than usual. :D

Got online this morning, ostensibly to write to himself, and the first thing I did, as I always do, was check out my Bloglines subscription. I would never remember to read any blogs if it weren't for Bloglines. Anyway, the very first in my list is daughter Christa's blog (see right-hand column). This morning, she had a photo of "Hamlet," her older son, in his dragon costume -- absolutely adorable -- and a link to a story, which I clicked on for the heck of it, not realizing at first that she was the author.

If you ignore the Language at the beginning, this is incredible...

Of course I know that she is a professional writer, but this is Shirley Jackson stuff. WOW!