Saturday, May 19, 2007

Thrice Blessed

I had intended to post this a couple of days ago, but life kept getting in the way. ;-)

On Thursday, dh and I celebrated 38 years of marriage. We began the day by attending Divine Liturgy for the Ascension, and after Liturgy, I asked my priest if I could sing a Te Deum to give thanks for the reunion of Moscow and ROCOR. Interestingly, my very Greek priest didn't know what a Te Deum was -- and I didn't know what it would be called in Greek, or even if it exists in Greek -- but once he understood what I wanted to do, he was all for it. I know this nifty Te Deum that I had to learn for my courses at Jordanville, so was able to sing the whole thing through in Slavonic.

After that, we went out to breakfast, and then spent the rest of the day just knocking around Maine -- went to Kennebunk and Cape Porpoise, and then drove back along the coast to a place called Cap'n Simeon's Galley for lunch. Great seafood (even if it was a non-fasting day... Sigh). It's nice to be able to visit old favorite haunts now and again, and this has been on our list of favorites for 21 years now, which is as long as we've lived in New Hampshire.

As someone pointed out, the Ascension and wedding anniversaries occur annually. But rarely do they occur on the same date. And added to that the joy of the reconciliation between the two Churches of Russia -- yeah, thrice blessed says it all.

BTW, I notice that today is the birthday of Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II. I have often read that he knew he was born on the feast of the Prophet Job, and expected to have a difficult reign, filled with tribulation. Incidentally, Nicholas and Alexandra, by Robert K. Massie, is quite enlightening on the subject of the Tsar-Martyr. What I like best about this book is that it was written by someone with absolutely no agenda; his only reason for researching the Romanovs was that his son had hemophilia, and in searching for famous hemophiliacs, he came across the Tsarevich Alexei. Then he began to research the Romanovs. Up to reading about them, the only thing he knew about them was all the Communist propaganda ("Commierot") about how awful they were, but his book shows that Nicholas truly tried his best to govern. Sure, he made mistakes. That's the best of Orthodox saints: they do make mistakes. What's rewarded is their efforts, not their successes. Боже, царья храни!


Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

How wonderful !

Many years !
Chronia Polla!
Mnogaya Leta!

Glad you had a good day :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Many Years!

What a wonderful, wonderful day you both had!

Anonymous said...

Many Years, and it is good to hear what a wonderful day it was for both of you.

It is also wonderful to hear that Jim was willing to spend it at the Liturgy :)

Mimi said...

Thrice blessed indeed! Many Years!

Boulia said...

Meg -- I LOVE it that you felt compelled to have a Te Deum to celebrate the reunification of the Russian Church. Did you already know that this is the last thing we sang at the service? Did youknow, too, that, after we sang our very last service in Moscow, at the Dormition Cathedral in the Kremlin, that the choir, gathered on the cathedral steps to have a photo taken, SPONTANEOUSLY broke out into the Te Deum, which we sang completely from memory? That you were moved also to pray these words of thanks and praise says to me something about the unity of our spirits when we work at it just a little!